
I’ve seen love shine through the darkest cloud.

Arms of forgiveness and mercy,

I’ve felt around me.

Love so strong and deep,

no words can describe.

New eyes.

My gift for laying it all at His feet.

Years of pain and grief,

erased in a moment of sweet surrender.

Trusting my Father

to carry the heavy load.

No longer a victom.

No more shame.

Another gift,

Strength I gained.


Romans 10

10: For with the heart man believe unto righteoness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

11: For the scripture saith, whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed.

Turning your life around begins with believing in faith that God exists.  Believing that He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you.  Confessing this faith out loud and confessing that you have sinned.  Asking God to forgive you of your sins, come into your heart and be Lord of your life.

When you do this, He will forgive you and there will be no shame.  You will be a new creation in Christ.  The old you will be gone and a new chance at a Godly life will begin.

The End of Me

I was at the end of me.  Dirty and ashamed.  Depressed and casting blame.  I heard my Father calling “Take my hand son.  I will clean you up and lead you home.”  I stood up on my knees and left everything behind me.  The shackles fell off of my feet and I stepped into God’s plan.

It was a dusty dirt road leading me home.  There were storms and rain along the way.  At times I lost His voice.  I was too caught up in the noise.  But I stood up on my knees and left everything behind me.  I fell right back into His plan.

There were times when I was afraid; but I looked up and saw His face.  He was right there every step of the way.  His hand guiding me toward His love.  I found peace, joy and purpose in His Presence. It all happened the moment I stood up on my knees and left everything behind me.  Choosing His plan over my own.

Jeanie Hannah