New Faith Church of God Funday


Yesterday we were blessed to be part of a community outreach day.  This was an awesome event! There was a lot going on there, a jump house, huge bouncy slide, a mechanical bull, petting zoo, face painting, a clown and pony rides! We also were blessed to have live music.  It was really a great day of fellowship and community coming together showing the love of God and sewing into these children.  We want to thank Brother Love and Brother Paul Lowers for the blessing of getting to be part of this awesome ministry they have!  Also, yesterday was Bobby Joe’s birthday.  We had an awesome day celebrating and working for God!

A New Season

The revival ended last night with a gospel singing.  Earmark Trio, With Willing Hearts and The Frogjump Quartet were all awesome!  The presence of God was here for the entire revival.  We had a man last night rededicate his life to God!

This revival has been an adventure and I am excited to see what God has planned next.  I am so proud of Bobby Joe for being obedient to God’s calling on his life.  It takes great courage and faith to step outside your comfort zone and actually follow thru with what God puts on our hearts.

I encourage everyone to seek God with all your heart and listen to His instruction.  I pray for renewed courage, strength and faith for everyone.  Plant those seeds no matter how big or small and God will water and raise them for His glory! 


Revival Continues

We had another Amazing night with our Lord and Savior last night! His presence filled the atmosphere!  Tonight we will wind this revival up with a Gospel Singing. I am honored to Serve the King of Kings, The One True God!  If you don’t know God, contact me. I will tell you how He has lifted me out of pain and suffering over into great peace and contentment that can only come from Him.



This is the perfect time for Revival.  People are searching to fill a void in their hearts that only God can fill.  My husband felt it on his heart to bring God’s people together with an “Old School” Tent Revival held in our yard.   I am so proud of Bobby Joe Hannah for being an awesome Mighty Man of God and for being obedient to God’s purpose for him. I am excited about this new season.

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