This Beautiful Life

A soft place to fall

Help when we call

Talking over our day

Making time to play
Saturday morning Skating

The sweetest little lunch date!

Family movie time

Date night
Time well spent

Sharing our hopes and dreams.

Making all our decisions

Together as a team.
My heart swollen with love!
God’s blessings and favor

Covering our life and home

I’m so thankful for

This Beautiful Life!

Softly Calling

I knew you before you were born.

A beautiful masterpiece

Fashioned by my own hand.


Loved and wanted.

Filled with purpose.


Godly examples

Strategically placed along your path.

Offering grace and love,

A light for your feet.


I am the soft voice within

Leading you away

From pains of this world.


This Father has stood,

Waiting patiently

For you to cry out.


Softly calling

My precious child home.


I’ve heard your cries

In the dark of night.

Begging for relief,

Too broken and so full of grief.


I’ve stood over you.

My presence bringing you comfort.

Though you couldn’t see,

I gave you peace and sweet sleep.


I am the soft voice within.

Leading you away from the pains of this world.


This Father has stood

Waiting patiently

For you to cry out


Speaking to your heart

You answer my call

And I am pleased my son.


Softly calling

My precious child home.

Walking by Faith

31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. (‭Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭31‬ KJV)
The storms of this life require great endurance and strength.  The strength that can only come from God.  Learning to walk by faith and stay in God’s will is sometimes hard.  
The only way I can stay in God’s will is to spend time with Him.  Praying continually throughout the day.  Reminding myself of God’s promises and counting my many undeserved blessings.
I find peace and comfort in the presence of my Heavenly Father.  His promise that I will walk and not faint encourages me to keep pressing forward in this fight.  


I’ve walked through the fire

Trusting You as my guide.

Now, as I sift through the rubble

From my broken past,

Some memories cut deep.

Embedded within me.

Like tiny shards of glass

They can’t be seen 

But the pain is deep from within.

Reminding me of

What shouldn’t have been.

Hold me up with Your hand.

Set my feet on solid ground.

Light this fire in my soul.

Feed it with Your daily bread.

I can’t go on without You.

Lord I need You to guide me.

There are two roads ahead.

One leads back and one to You.

The past is falling from my thoughts

Like ashes blowing in the wind.

Let Your light shine to lead the way

Out of this valley of death,

Into Your green pastures.
Lord I need You to guide me.

Guide me home to You.