The Master’s Hand

I find myself in awe

Of Your artist’s hand.

Amazed by the beauty all around.

The green rolling hills

Wheat, like a sea of golden feathers

Colorful sunsets mesmerize my eyes
The beauty of Your creation

No detail was left out of your plan

Even the birds are beautiful works of art.

And Butterflies with such intricate designs!
The care you took designing

Even the smallest things

From each beautifully crafted snowflake

To perfect geometrical shape

Of the bee’s honeycomb
Fluffy cotton candy clouds

In hues of pink, blue and white

So low in the sky

I could reach up

And pull down a bite
Flowers in full bloom

Awaken my senses

With their sweet aroma

The hypnotizing sound

Of buzzing humming bird wings

Sings to me like a lullaby
Savoring Your Grace

As a sweet breeze

Floats around my face

I feel as if my spirit is dancing

To the rhythm of blowing leaves
As my body and mind

Melt into a deep state

Of peace and contentment
I am unable to move or speak

Immersed in Your

Amazing Holy Presence

Tomorrow’s Another Day

We fall short every day

In some way
A thought

Harsh words


Loosing our temper
The biggest punishment

Comes from within.
Longing to get it rite

Never wanting to 

let anyone down

or fail
Such overwhelming responsibility

On shoulders of flesh!
Take a deep breath

Let your Father

Calm that weary soul
Accept His grace and mercy

Rest in His peace

Tomorrow’s another day!

From Glory to Glory

That first step

Into a new level of faith.
Fear nearly paralyzing

The enemy’s voice so loud

Second guessing your calling

Questioning this direction.
God’s grace abounds

Covering you in His love

Building your trust.
Slowly you step out

Not seeing the path ahead

Trusting your Heavenly Father

To be your guide.
Step by step

Sometimes not seeing

Those seeds sprout

You keep pressing foreword
Though there may be trouble

God’s light shines so bright

You can’t deny

His hand on this plan

That is your life
You find yourself

In awe of His grace and favor

Proclaiming His goodness

It’s His love

That helped you endure.
No doubt 

He is well pleased

At the faith His son has shown