
This dry block of clay

Parched and dehydrated

From sitting so long

In it’s same ole ways.
Hardened by time

It seems unusable.

But the Potter’s hand

Picks it up just before

All hope is lost.
Placing the hardened block

In the center of His wheel.

Slowly coating it

With refreshing water.
Washing away Years

Of grime and dust.

Quenching the thirst.
Now soft and pliable

The Potter works

From the inside out.
Shaping and molding

Gently pulling

In the right direction.
Refreshed and renewed

This old hunk of clay

Had suddenly gained

A new purpose in life.
The Potter takes such great care

In even the least detail.

Shaping and trimming.

Checking every specification.
Fired in the kiln

To make it strong.

Pieces trimmed away

To ensure it stands 

Level and strong.
Coated with beautiful glaze

Brought through the fire

Once again.
All cleaned up inside and out.

This once dried up hunk of clay

Has new meaning and purpose.

A new creation,

It’s life has just begun!
Jeanie Hannah