My Fisher of Men

He stands strong in the face of adversity.

Calm and strong, he faces all obstacle put in his way.
Showing grace and mercy to those who hurt him.

Blessing others with what God has given.
Planting seeds of faith.

With hope that others are saved.
Bowing humbly before his Father.

The fisher of men prays.

Giving praise and glory.

Receiving blessing and favor.
Casting his net far and wide.

With faith for others to survive.
Fighting memories from his past.

A powerful testimony he has.
Sharing the good news of God’s love,

and how to obtain salvation.

He reels in the fish and receives a standing ovation

from all the saints in Heaven.
Bowing humbly before his Father.

The fisher of men prays.

Giving praise and glory.

Receiving blessing and favor.
Well done good and faithful servant.

God is well pleased with his strength and courage.

Pressing through even when he feels discouraged.
Drawing near to God.

Seeking wisdom and guidance.

To do His will is the fisherman’s’s desire.
Bowing humbly before his Father.

The fisher of men prays.

Giving praise and glory.

Receiving blessing and favor.
Jeanie Hannah