Glory to God

Glory to God.My peace, my comforter.

My sanity, my relief.
I praise His Mighty name

Trials bring me down.

The enemy attacks but I remain

steady in my faith.
Too thankful for words

Sometimes only being able to call out Jesus.

Unable to feel like breathing and my head pounding.

I cry out and proclaim my trust in Him.
I cling to His promise.

My troubles fade away.

Gods breath washes over me as a cool breeze.

He brings the peace and joy as I focus on Him.

No More Lies

What will fill the void?

The deep hunger to be more.

Longing to belong.

Outcast for too long.
Darkness and despair loom

Like a thief creeping in the shadows.

Stealing self worth and joy.
Pills dull the senses for only minutes.

Perhaps something stronger 

Will provide escape from never ending pain
How to find who you truly are?

Maybe it’s how you were born.

A mistake by gender?

Abandoned by society and nature.

Struggling to belong.

Longing for a place of your own.
Chasing anything to fix the pain.

Never feeling fully content.

Confused, wondering why you were even born.

So many mistakes you’ve made.

Gone the wrong way.
This world is twisted and torn.

Thriving on lies and deception
I tell you now, follow the light.

Step boldly into the purpose God has for you.

You are His creation.

He makes no mistakes.
You are exactly perfection in His eyes

From your very day of birth.

Cry out to God, your Heavenly Father.

Only He can fill that void.

Let His light shine into the darkest places.

Accept the healing and grace that awaits.
You are more than the lies.

It doesn’t matter what you have done

Or how many times you have tried.

You are worthy and loved.

Your life has meaning and purpose.

Airplane Mode

Airplane Mode
I discovered that my phone will charge faster if it is in airplane mode. The constant searching for updates, incoming messages and notifications all stop when the device is in airplane mode. Charging is it’s only function and can be done faster without all of the distractions.

Distractions run our batteries down daily. This world is noisy! Alarm clocks, traffic, radios, television, work, life. Daily chatter filling our minds with distractions that run our batteries down. Frustration comes, along with mental and physical exhaustion.

How are we recharging? Do we try to recharge our minds and bodies surrounded by never ending distractions or do we go into airplane mode? Quiet alone time with God and His word. Nothing to distract us from God’s renewing strength and peace available brand new each day.

Jeanie Hannah

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 (KJV)

When We Fall It’s Ok

Pain and suffering are all aroundWhere the love for God cannot be found.

People are drowning in oppression

No hope or salvation.
Mercy and forgiveness

Are their’s for the taking;

But pride is overwhelming.

Lost in their own suffering.

No compassion for others.

Tormented by trying to be perfect.

Casting judgment on everyone in sight.

Never realizing they are not right.
God’s love is for everyone.

If they could only see.

We all sin and fall short.

Perfect no one can be.

God sent His Son to shed His blood

For each and every one of us.
Just a sliver of faith can start a fire

To consume all the inequity.

Cutting away the fear and shame.

Opening the way to shed the pain.
Every seed sewn into the lost

Weakens the chains that have them bound.

Slowly they start to change without knowing why.

Dropping to their knees.

Crying out in pain.

Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior.

An old man has died and a new man is born.
Realizing for the first time

They are worthy and loved.

No strings attached and no bill to pay.

Jesus’ blood paid the way.
Now they can live in a glorious light.

Walking with God day and night.

Learning His ways and seeking to fill His plans.

Soon they start telling their friends.
No good thing comes easy though.

Realizing there are still rocky roads.

God pours out blessings and favor; 

But we must choose to follow at His rate.
God’s plan isn’t magic or instant.

He wants us to be consistent and obedient.

When we fall it’s ok.

Stay true in heart and repent.

Tomorrow is another day.

Thank God for Jesus and Salvation.

Jeanie Hannah

2 Corrinthians 5:17 (KJV)

Therefore if any man be in Christ, 

he is a new creature:old things are passed away;behold, all things are become new.