
This journey begins  
With a new man.

Joy and excitement

Can’t be contained.

Tears of happiness

Instead of pain.

Washed Clean.

Ready for the race.

Slow and steady,

God’s word sets the pace.

His spirit dancing.

Eyes shining with light.

There’s no way to fully explain

The feeling inside.

Ahead will be dark days.

Frustration, stones thrown in his way.

Persecution, and people calling him names.

Growing weary and tired.

Wondering where he can hide.

Stopping to refuel.

Eating his daily bread.

Building his strength

For this race of endurance.

The ominous cloud grows

Dimmer and less threatening

Up ahead he can see the Saints

Cheering for his victory.

Others have fallen in his path.

There’s no way he can pass.

Stopping to help them up.

To give an encouraging word.

Shining God’s light

And spreading the good news.

A second wind.

A new prospective.

A bright ray of warm sunshine

Waiting up ahead.

Covered in Grace and Mercy.

Overcoming temptation to lay down.

This Man has grown

By leaps and bounds!

No longer new.

This well seasoned soul

Pushes forward

Toward his everlasting

Life with Christ!
Jeanie Hannah

Crusader’s Triathlon

Like a tiny mouseWho evades the trap.

Considered weak and small,

Still remaining strong and steady.

Persistent in this purpose.

Swimming against the current.

Planted firm in purpose,

With unwavering faith.

A lighthouse who survived 

The torrential rains

And massive crashing waves.

The farmer working

Against the elements.

Focused on planting the seeds.

Praying for God’s nurturing hand,

Strong roots and fair weather.

Anticipating the great

Harvest to come.

The soldier’s destination is clear.

Warrior and peacekeeper.

Crusader for Christ.

Motivated by salvation

And God’ promise.

Relentless in the task.

God supplying strength

When bones grow weary.

Accessing the stockpile

Of courage and faith…

New excitement stirs the spirit!

The unwavering War Eagle soars!!

Jeanie Hannah

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

2 Peter 3:9 KJV


“Blessed are they that are perfect in the way, Who walk in the law of Jehovah. Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, That seek him with the whole heart.”

Psalms 119:1-2 ASV


“For the word of the Lord is right; and all his works are done in truth. He loveth righteousness and judgment: the earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.”

Psalms 33:4-5 KJV


The Master’s Hand

I find myself in aweOf Your artist’s hand.

Amazed by the beauty all around.

The green rolling hills

Wheat, like a sea of golden feathers

Colorful sunsets mesmerize my eyes
The beauty of Your creation

No detail was left out of your plan

Even the birds are beautiful works of art.

And Butterflies with such intricate designs!
The care you took designing

Even the smallest things

From each beautifully crafted snowflake

To perfect geometrical shape

Of the bee’s honeycomb
Fluffy cotton candy clouds

In hues of pink, blue and white

So low in the sky

I could reach up 

And pull down a bite
Flowers in full bloom

Awaken my senses 

With their sweet aroma

The hypnotizing sound

Of buzzing humming bird wings

Sings to me like a lullaby
Savoring Your Grace

As a sweet breeze

Floats around my face

I feel as if my spirit is dancing

To the rhythm of blowing leaves
As my body and mind

Melt into a deep state

Of peace and contentment
I am unable to move or speak

Immersed in Your 

Amazing Holy Presence

Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord for YourGrace and Mercy.

Thank You for Your Strength and Courage

You stand beside me always and

in times of trouble my guide and defender.
My teacher, who gives wisdom

Lovingly leading me down this path

that is Your will.

The Mighty Counselor. 
Thank you Lord for this Man of God

My best friend to share this life.

I thank You for sweet sleep

Resting in Your loving arms
Restoration for this body and mind

Peace and contentment so precious

and priceless. 

Only found in Your glorious presence.
Thank You Lord for Your light that

drowned out the darkest void in my soul

flooding my hardened heart and 

tearing down the binding pain of days past.
Thank You Lord for a second chance

To be who You made me to be

The child of The One True King!

First Impression

Forming opinions with just one glimpse.Sizing up how she looks.

Ragged shoes. dirty dress

Wrinkled, aged skin screaming

Out in distress.

A lifetime of stress, you guess.
Walking away, You just can’t stay.

There’s nothing for you here.

It’s too late for her.

You must move on.
One last look back,

Leaves you shaken to the core!

Connecting directly eye to eye,

You see something different this time.
A lifetime of wisdom and experience,

Joy and pain.

Beautiful light shining so bright

Those eyes draw you back.
Forgetting all of the outside.

Judgement gone.

Learning there’s value in everyone.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Psalms 139:23-24 KJV
