Crusader’s Triathlon

Like a tiny mouseWho evades the trap.

Considered weak and small,

Still remaining strong and steady.

Persistent in this purpose.

Swimming against the current.

Planted firm in purpose,

With unwavering faith.

A lighthouse who survived 

The torrential rains

And massive crashing waves.

The farmer working

Against the elements.

Focused on planting the seeds.

Praying for God’s nurturing hand,

Strong roots and fair weather.

Anticipating the great

Harvest to come.

The soldier’s destination is clear.

Warrior and peacekeeper.

Crusader for Christ.

Motivated by salvation

And God’ promise.

Relentless in the task.

God supplying strength

When bones grow weary.

Accessing the stockpile

Of courage and faith…

New excitement stirs the spirit!

The unwavering War Eagle soars!!

Jeanie Hannah

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