This Struggle

Week 6

Building A Relationship With God
This week, I am getting more real and personal with y’all. I have struggled this week with aggravation. I know I am not the only one who gets aggravated when I see people getting treated badly. I know I am not the only one who gets frustrated by being exposed to prideful people daily! I feel this very strongly on my heart to tell you that only God’s touch can change those who have to be right. Those worried over everyone’s business but their own. Those who have to have control over others. The frustration that comes from within me is my struggle to overcome. I pray and meditate on God’s word and get better at handling these situations; but from time to time, my flesh still takes over and I get mouthy and start complaining! I know I shouldn’t. I know the right thing to do is to let God’s light shine no matter what the devil is trying to throw at me.

While searching for scripture to add to this piece and a nugget of Word to help, I realize that we need more than nuggets and crumbs. I realized that I have gotten accustomed to a daily scripture and talking it through with God and I need more. One certain scripture isn’t enough. In the frustration from the past week, I have realized that it is a call for more. I need more of God’s word in my heart. See, what we put in is what comes out. If we rely on little nuggets to get us by, we only have little nuggets to help us overcome.

We must build up a strong, firm foundation in Christ and stand ever ready to fight this battle. The devil will bring us down however he can. We will never be perfect and we will still fall from time to time; but we do much less damage and get back up much quicker when we are strong in Christ.

Be strong in Christ this week and take your frustrations to the cross. Open your Bible and let God lead you to what you need from Him.

Be blessed and strong in Christ!

Jeanie Hannah

Weekly Exercise

Read 1 Thessalonians 4.   The whole chapter. Spend time with God giving thanks for all your blessings. Ask Him to lead you in reading His word and giving you wisdom and strength.

Journaling Exercises

-What have you learned about God?

-What have you learned about yourself?

-Take notes on what touches you as you read 1 Thessalonians 4.

-List the struggles you have and pray for wisdom to overcome.