Love Conquered All

I know a man who loves me so much,

He laid down His own life 

To save mine!
Betrayed by ones 

He so deeply loved.

Sold out for a bag of coins!
Stripped down in front of the entire town.

People mocking Him,

Yelling for His death!
A crown of thorns, He wore.

His flesh beaten and torn.

Tortured by those afraid of the truth.
His body exhausted from

Bleeding open wounds.

Forced to walk and carry

His own heavy cross!
People yelling and cursing

Him the entire way!
They drove thick iron nails

Through His hands and feet.

Attaching Him to that cross.

Raising it high for all to see!
He asked His friend 

To care for His mother,

And offered forgiveness to the

Thief hanging beside Him.
Blood drained from His body

And turned to water.

The sky grew black,

The Temple crumbled,

And the Veil was torn!
Laid to rest with love and care.

In a tomb given by a man of wealth.

Guards placed by the King

Because of rumors 

He would rise again!
Three days past.

The stone rolled away.

Guards dazed and confused.

No One could explain!
The One True King rose from the dead!

He finished God’s plan.

He is alive and well,

Sitting at His Father’s right Hand!

Jeanie Hannah