Thy Will Be Done

Week 20

Building A Relationship With God


Scripture for this week’s message…Matthew 26:30-75 (KJV)


This walk with God brings great moments of peace; while this world will bring great moments of stress and persecution. During the times of trial and persecution we, as fleshly bodies, start to think this is how God intends for us to be treated. His intention, though, is for us to cling to Him and trust in His will. Trust in God that what He has waiting on the other side of the stormy season is better than anything we could even imagine.


Jesus, as he reach Gethsemane with Peter and Zebedee, knew He had been betrayed by Judas. He knew Peter would deny Him and He was sorrowful in His soul. He brought Peter and Zebedee with Him to watch while He prayed; but they fell asleep. He could have given up. He could have called in an army of angels for protection; but He didn’t. He turned to God in prayer saying “Thy Will Be Done”. He knew that God’s purpose and Glory was greater than His persecution. He knew that through His suffering, people would be saved.


People are the same today. When you are doing well, many want to be your friend; but when they see you in trial and persecution, they flee. People see the truth of God’s grace and favor on you and seem to make it their purpose to slander you and bring you down. You will find very few people willing to stand watch for the enemy while you pray.


Trusting God and following Jesus’ example is our guideline. The Bible is our handbook for dealing with every situation we face. We will face great moments of sorrow, as Jesus did. The key to overcoming is to draw nearer to God and trust in His will for your life. Focus on Him and His glory. People will see you come through your storm stronger than ever. God will use the example of your success, of staying in His will, to plant seeds of salvation in others.


This week I challenge you to ready Matthew 26:30-75. I also challenge you and myself to draw closer to God. Pray for His strength and His will over your situation. Give God all the glory and praise!


Have a blessed week in Christ!

Jeanie Hannah





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